Blog - November 2023
From Waste to Plate: Recorra and Plan Zheroes tackle food waste across London
Tuesday 28th November 2023
Recorra’s new charity partnership with Plan Zheroes is helping to reduce food poverty and food waste across London, with each food waste collection from Recorra customers.
Empowering Occupiers: The Next Phase of Recorra’s Waste Reporting Portal Upgrades
Monday 27th November 2023
Recorra's new portal empowers occupiers to manage their waste more effectively.
Emission Trading and the Burning Question of Waste Management
Wednesday 15th November 2023
In the fifth instalment of our blog post series, we will break down UK emissions trading post-Brexit, and what that will mean for businesses.
From Chaos to Clarity: The UK's Legislative Drive for Simplified Recycling
Wednesday 8th November 2023
In the next blog post in our series on UK legislation changes, we will break down the government’s new ‘Simpler Recycling’ initiative, where Prime Minister Rishi Sunak infamously scrapped the ‘seven bins’ system for a more streamlined recycling process.