Plastic Creations
Monday 26th March 2018
Plastic waste has gained a lot of publicity in recent months. In particular, David Attenborough’s Blue Planet 2 has pulled on the heart strings of many of us, raising awareness of the issues that plastics are having on our marine wildlife.
A local primary school has also been getting involved too. To raise awareness about single-use plastics amongst pupils and staff, they have made some wonderful creations out of plastic waste. We have been lucky enough to borrow these and display in our office to remind our staff and our customers about the issue of single-use plastics.
Plastic creations
The children have used a range of different types of plastics, from bags to bottles and containers to create dragons, robots and sea weed.
We think it’s great that these school children are already learning about plastic waste and are able to showcase this in such a creative way. We hope that more schools find imaginative ways to engage with the next generation so that they do the right thing with resources.
Jessica Parrilla