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Wednesday 13th August 2014

So you’re on holiday, a break from day to day life. No dishes, no cleaning and… no recycling? Woah, did I just say that?! When we’re on holiday it’s a chance to forget about the mundane day to day tasks, but what about recycling? We don’t stop producing waste just because we’ve gone on holiday but if you’re staying in a self catering place should it be your responsibility to learn how the local recycling scheme works or deliver it yourself to the nearest set of recycling banks?

At the moment, recycling schemes not only differ across counties but also boroughs. Let’s take London as an example. Recently the London Mayor, Boris Johnson, launched a plan for consultation which, amongst other things, called for a more consistent and efficient approach stating that “the different materials collected in different ways across the capital’s 33 collection authorities is “confusing to London’s more transient population” So surely, if recycling schemes were more consistent, we would be more motivated to recycle whilst we’re on holiday which would further increase our environmental performance. You can find out more about the plan here. If you’ve got any thoughts on recycling whilst you’re away let us know on social media.

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