Why All Businesses Should Join the Responsible Paper Revolution
Thursday 28th September 2017
It’s among the world’s largest emitters of greenhouse gases, uses huge amounts of water and energy in its industrial process and is a major contributor to landfill. The paper and pulp industry is one of our planet’s biggest threats - and yet many businesses still aren’t taking the necessary eco-friendly steps.
Paper Round is trying to educate UK businesses on how to use paper responsibly. Like the switch to eco-friendly light bulbs, it’s high-time we all joined the responsible paper revolution. It’s time to ask yourself: are you doing all you can?
Why Recycling Paper is so Important
While paper is a necessary material in the development and education of people and businesses all around the world, the negative effects it has on our environment can be disastrous. Unfortunately, paper consumption has quadrupled in the last half century and, with global population and wealth set to rise for another fifty years, this trend is set to continue. Let’s look at the facts…
Pulp and paper already accounts for 40% of the world’s cut timber, threatening some of the world’s oldest and most valuable rainforests. On average, one tonne of virgin fibre paper uses 15 trees, but the toll of its production reaches much further than the forest. This single tonne is also responsible for the consumption of 7,000 gallons of water, 380 gallons of oil, 3.3 cubic yards of landfill and 4,000 kilowatts of energy.
Paper can be recycled 4-5 times before the fibres become too short to be used again. Unfortunately, many businesses still don’t recycle waste and waste paper is either sent for incineration where it releases carbon dioxide, or is sent to landfill where it produces carbon monoxide (23 times more harmful than carbon dioxide). Either way, the paper waste produces dangerous levels of greenhouse gases and causes significant levels of harm to the climate.
It’s time we all made the change to responsible paper production – so what’s next?
Making the Change
There are many ways to become more efficient with your paper. Ask yourself if you really need to print that document. If so, print on both sides in a small font. Put a labelled waste paper tray by your computer and ask a crafty colleague to turn them into scrap books
There are only so many times that you can reuse paper so make sure you recycle when your paper is destined for the bin. Sort white and mixed paper separately and employ a dedicated recycling company to collect your waster paper on a regular basis. Paper Round supply sacks or bins depending on the size of your operation and will pick up your waste inside your office, or kerbside (the choice is yours). We recycle paper at our state-of-the-art facility, separating it into grades and bales to produce 100% recycled paper. You can find out more about these services here.
Closed Loop Paper Recycling
Next time you purchase office supplies, ensure you buy FSC certified paper. This ensures that your paper is not coming from illegal logging industries that threaten some of the world’s most precious forests. Better yet, opt for 100% recycled paper like Image Paper Bright White. These days the quality of recycled paper is just as good as paper made from virgin fibre.
For more information, read the World Wildlife Fund’s Guide to Buying Paper. (PDF Download)
Once you’ve got a responsible paper policy in place, why not spread the word. One of the best things you can do for the planet is to educate others on environmentally sound practices. A simple email or phone call to staff, colleagues and partners is all it takes.
Remember, inertia is our biggest threat. Join the paper revolution today.
For more information about Paper Round’s closed-loop recycling scheme and our 100% recycled Image Paper, get in touch today on 0845 838 8743.